
No Peruvianness without sanguchón

Peruvians are sangucheros, so sanguchero that we can’t imagine bread with „soledad“(loneliness). In the mornings, on the street corners of almost every neighbourhood, especially the most popular ones, there is always a sanguchón cart that keeps us away from hunger and malnutrition.

When the economy is tight, the sánguche is sweet potato or fried egg, fresh cheese or vegetable torreja, avocado or *sangrecita; but when we want to get fat, just as there are sandwich carts to save the day, there are the sangucherías to cheer up the heart.

One more detail: just as in the street the noise of the city is our unavoidable company, in the traditional sangucherías, **Criolla music is a must.

Sangucherías criollas are the temples of the tasty chicharrón, of the butifarra ***taipá , of the juicy turkey, of the ****pejerrey that turns into a king, of the chicken made into a thread for love and, for the most daring, of the olives with their spicy chives.

That’s Peru, that’s Peruvians, inveterate romantics who don’t allow ourselves to be lonely even when we put bread in our mouths… and if it tastes good, crunchy and spicy, so much the better.


*Black sausage.

**Música criolla: Música criolla or canción criolla is a varied genre of Peruvian music that exhibits influences from European, African and Andean music. The genre’s name reflects the coastal culture of Peru, and the local evolution of the term criollo, a word originally denoting high-status people of full Spanish ancestry, into a more socially inclusive element of the nation.From the presence of waltzes of Viennese origin, mazurkas, with the influence of French and Italian music from Europe, Lima’s popular culture was shaped through the transformation and decantation of genres, transforming the musical genres and imported aesthetic patterns in such a way that, even assuming the fashions corresponding to each era, some musical forms were developed and developed that reach the end of the 20th century and identify what is Peruvian. Each historical moment, from the colonial period until now, was shaped in different ways in the musical culture of Peru through the musical instruments used, the forms and contents of the songs, dances, etc.

Among the most representative genres of criollo music are the Peruvian waltz (vals criollo) and the Peruvian polka. It also extends as criollo music the Marinera, the Huayno, the Tondero, the Festejo, the Zamacueca, coplas de amor fino, landó, among others. Peru’s national Día de la Canción Criolla takes place on October 31.

*** Taipá: Synonym in popular parlance to define a large and abundant food dish that has its origin in the influence of the Chinese diaspora that arrived in Peru in 1849 due to the shortage of labour in agriculture due to the abolition of slavery. It is known to have become popular with the first restaurant *“ Chifa Kuong Tong „opened in Lima in the early twentieth century. The word alludes, like most Peruvian words, to a tool used to irrigate rice called Taipa or taipadera, which is very large. Chinese-peruvian gastronomy fusion.

**** Silverside.

Spanischer Originaltext

No hay peruanidad sin sanguchón

Los peruanos somos sangucheros, tan sanguchero que no nos imaginamos un pan con “soledad”. Por las mañanas, en las esquinas de casi todos los barrios, sobre todo los más populares, siempre hay un carrito sanguchero que nos aleja del hambre y la desnutrición.

Cuando la economía aprieta, el sánguche es de camote o huevo frito, de queso fresco o torreja de verduras, de aguacate o sangrecita; pero cuando queremos engreírnos, así como tenemos carritos sangucheros para salvar el día, tenemos las sangucherías para alegrar el corazón. Un detalle más: así como en la calle el ruido de la urbe es nuestra inevitable compañía, en las sangucherías con tradición, la música criolla es obligación.

Las sangucherías criollas son los templos del gustosísimo chicharrón, de la butifarra bien taipá, del pavo bien jugoso, del pejerrey que se transforma en rey, del pollo hecho hilacha por amor y, para los más atrevidos, de las aceitunas con su picante cebollón.

Así es el Perú, así son los peruanos, unos románticos empedernidos que no nos permitimos la soledad ni cuando nos llevamos un pan a la boca… y si este gusta, cruje y pica, mejor.

Über den Autor

Journalist. Er lebt in Lima und schreibt für die Websites La Mula sowie Living in Perú und arbeitet mit peruanischen und internationalen Medien zu Themen der Kultur und Gastronomie zusammen.