

Yuca* – The oldest evidence of its existence in South America dates back to 9589 and 9029 BC.

In Peru, evidence of its presence was found as early as 6800 BC. Research shows that the root was consumed from that time in northern Peru, as it was found in small quantities in the excavations of pre-ceramic villages. Yucca has been part of the diet of several generations for thousands of years and is an example of the domestication capacity of the inhabitants of ancient Peru. In the Peruvian jungle alone there are 38 varieties of yucca.

Some people in Europe think that yucca is a kind of „potato of the Incas“, which is totally inaccurate information, as potato and yucca each have their own place in the gastronomic universe of the pre-Columbian, Inca and present-day cultures.

*Yuca is also known in other parts of the world as tapioca, manioc, cassava, cassava, guacamota and rumu.

*Peru has more than 3,500 varieties of potato, it was first cultivated 8,000 years ago BC in the southern Andes and the highlands of Peru and northwestern Bolivia, and has been one of Peru’s greatest food contributions to the world, having saved Europe and other continents from starvation.

Über den Autor

Künstler und Dozent für bildende Kunst (geb. in Lima 1959). Er arbeitet mit verschiedenen Medien: Siebdruck, Fotografie, Videokunst, Zeichnung, Digital Design. Er lebt und arbeitet er in Lima, Peru. Derzeit arbeitet er als Lehrer für künstlerische Serigraphie an der Corriente Alterna Superior School of Fine Arts und als Leiter des künstlerischen Serigraphie-Workshops «LLavenelojo» (